
INDOOR Tuesday Night Pick-Up Soccer

Date and Time
Tue, Apr 2, 2024, 11:50 PM to 11:42 AM
Sofive Meadowlands, 2 Palmer Terrace, Carlstadt, NJ, 07072
Organized by Bergen County Pick-Up Soccer
The event fee ($17) MUST be paid INMIDIATELY after a member signs up for the event. **If the event fee is NOT received by 9PM on the same day of signing up, such participating member will be removed from the event.** Fee payments can be done through Zelle and Venmo. Please use the following information for the money transfer: **(201) 960-8272** (Zelle); and **@jhosepantony** (Venmo).

A participating member has until Monday (04/01/2024) at 9PM to cancel his/her participation and be eligible for a refund. **If a participating member does NOT update his/her participation status by Monday at 9PM, there will be NO refund.**

**Only participating members are expected to pay the event fee**, not members on the waiting list. Additional questions regarding event fees, feel free to contact the organizer.

**Please take your time to review the group's rules and event's regulations in advance. They will be enforced at all times.** The group's rules are posted on our main page.

**Players MUST wear turf shoes or sneakers**

**Fouls** are called ONLY by an event host and players involved in the foul. If a foul is called, respect it and move on with the game. No arguing.

**Guests** are NO longer allowed to join events. Any interested person in participating have to sign up for the Meetup Application and request a membership in the group.

**Pinnies** will be provided for each team.

**No team will play more than four (4) consecutive games** despite of winning.

**The field reservation** is under ANTHONY. Participants have to be at 7:50PM in the premises and ask the front desk for field directions.

This Meetup group and its organizers are not responsible for any injuries or illnesses, such as COVID-19, that may occur during participation in any events hosted. By signing up, you agree that you release "***Bergen County Pick-Up Soccer***" and its organizers of any responsibility, any personal injury or damage/loss of property may occur
Category: Fitness & Exercise
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