Secaucus Middle School

Secaucus Middle School

As the next step in their education, students graduating from Clarendon Elementary School and Huber Street Elementary School are combined into Secaucus Middle School. This school serves students from from 6th to 8th grade.

11 Millridge Road
Secaucus, NJ 07094
Phone 201-974-2025
Student Statistics
Reading Prociency
Math Prociency
New Jersey Rankings (2024)
Best Public Middle School
216 of 756
Best Public Middle School Teachers
169 of 656
Best Public Middle School for Diversity
93 of 774
Hudson County Rankings (2024)
Best Public Middle School
13 of 60
Best Public Middle School Teachers
9 of 56
Best Public Middle School for Diversity
30 of 60
Secaucus Middle School Announcements
Posted 09-28-2024
With an uncertain forecast, SMS students took the PTO Block Party indoors for a night of music, dancing, and fun in the gym.
Posted 09-24-2024
Join the J-SHINE Walk-a-thon on October 16, 3:30 PM-5:30 PM outside the PAC Center. Enjoy pizza, music, and snacks while supporting mental health awareness with a $10 donation. Wear a purple shirt!
Posted 09-24-2024
Support the SMS Class of 2026 Cookie Dough Fundraiser! Order from a 7th grader or use the form attached by October 25th.
Posted 09-11-2024
This slideshow highlights the energy and excitement of students and staff as they arrive for the first day of a new school year at Secaucus Middle School. Welcome back!
Posted 09-26-2023
The Middle School PTO is asking for full participation from our families during our membership drive and future fundraisers. Our goal is to reach 100% PTO membership. Please help us reach that goal so we can give back to our students. A few events we are planning for this year include a back to school block party for all classes, an 8th grade semi-formal, class trips, and social events. We would love your support.
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